Ubibot Global SIM is a customized SIM card used for IoT devices.
It's primarily designed for UbiBot devices: GS1-AL4G1RS, GS1-PL4G1RS, WS1 Pro WiFi and SIM version, Smart Plug SP1-SIM, GS2-SIM, and other UbiBot GSM/4G devices. It covers almost a hundred countries and regions around the world. To check if your local carrier is covered, please click here.
The mobile network provided by UbiBot Global SIM Card allows for the data to be transferred when WiFi is not available, and you are able to receive data remotely no matter where you are in the world.
Our SIM card also supports other IoT devices, not only UbiBot devices.
- Flexible payment policy, no charge for service suspensions
- Customized data plan - multiple options of monthly data plan
- Service can be suspended and renewed by users themselves at anytime without paying extra fees
- Private SIM card management platform - manage the SIM card on the same Web Console as the Ubibot devices
- History tracking - manage daily/monthly data usage with full history report

The price is only for the SIM card, data traffic is not included. When you receive the SIM card, please go to our Web Console (console.ubibot.com) to activate it and add credit (top up) for the mobile data traffic.
Click here to see how to activate UbiBot Global Sim Card.